Welcome To Our New Website
Our website has had a re-vamp! Hopefully, you will find the new www.uskcastle.com easier to navigate, simple and straight to the point, and find it easier to contact us for whatever you may need, be it weddings, camping, a visit or an event.
This page is the place to come to for updates on upcoming events, and to see what we are doing in the castle at different times of year, from herbaceous borders to conservation work and more.
We will shortly be launching a virtual reality reconstruction of what the castle would have looked like in it’s full glory in medieval times.
You will be able to virtually experience the true grandeur and presence Usk Castle would have had before it became a ruin some 600 years ago. We hope you will be able to view it online while walking around the ruins, to combine what you see today, with an experience back in time.
Many thanks to Pete at www.homecomputercoach.co.uk with his help and patience in creating the site.
We welcome any feedback and suggestions. Equally, if you have an event at the castle or article you would like featured here, please get in touch via info@uskcastle.com.